New Email Tutorials

Welcome to the new Office 365 email tutorials page. If you are having any trouble you can always email us at or call Neda at ext.1300.

Below you will see various topics on situations we believe you will encounter with our new email system. The best thing to do would be to watch them all, you may pick up on some little things you didn’t know before.

If you have any other questions you feel can be addressed by tutorials, feel free to email your suggestions to us and we will get them created asap.

Click on the topics below to find what you need even faster.

Logging in and Sending Emails  |   Shared Mailboxes   |  Contacts, Calendar & To-Do Lists   

Sending a PDF   |  Automatic Replies  |   Email Signatures

Logging in from any computer and sending an email

Shared Mailboxes

Trying to find your Contacts, Calendar or To Do list?

Having trouble sending a PDF? Try this…

Set your automatic replies for when you are out of the office

Setting up your Email Signature