October 20, 2023 @ 9:00 am - 3:00 pm - Johnstone South Bend
Course provides a great technical overview of Fujitsu’s Halcyon products. It provides a more technical perspective than the FAST class, while complimenting it with application ideas, pictures, installation hints, tips and requirements. Troubleshooting sections offer excellent guidance for system and component troubleshooting. The course is comprised of 6 modules. This full day course helps ensure all participants receive the basics skills and knowledge to apply and support Fujitsu minisplit products. Class goal is to assist technicians and installers who work with minisplit systems to be more familiar with installation and application differences from traditional unitary systems, without boring them to death with sales jargon and promotion.
What to expect from Fujitsu Tech 101: · Great information for products and service · Earn points on the Fujitsu Portal · A factory trained and authorized instructor · Class Handouts and Training Certificate · NATE 8 hour credits (must bring NATE ID # to class)
Schedule: 8:30am Breakfast & Sign-in / 9:00am Product & Installation / 11:30am Morning Quiz / 12:00pm Lunch / 12:30pm Service & Troubleshooting / 2:30pm Maintenance & Quiz / 3:00pm Class concludes
MUST also register on Fujitsu Training Portal to receive Fujitsu Training credits.
Class Includes: Study materials, class instruction, breakfast refreshments and lunch. 8:30am registration & breakfast. Class 8am-5pm. $89.
Class Location: Johnstone Supply South Bend / 3220 Rosetta Place Drive / SB, IN 46628
Registration is closed for this event.