CSD1 Boiler Safety Controls Certification Course by MIACCA -CLASS IS FULL!

March 08, 2022 @ 9:00 am - 3:00 pm - Crossroads Grand Rapids

CLASS IS FULL!   Course Objective
To train, by classroom instruction and examination, techs to be able to understand the requirements of the ASME CSD1 Code (Controls and Safety Devices for
Automatically Fired Boilers), All Trades Law, and the Boiler Law and Rules.

Course Topics
•ASME Code CSD-1 breakdown
•Boiler law & rules manual
•Maintenance programs

•ASME CSD1 manual 2015 or 2018*
•Boiler Law & Rules (MI or IN provided)
•Article 9 of the Skilled Trades Regulation Act (provided)

Instructor:  Phil Forner

Location:  Crossroads Conference Center / 6611 Clay Ave / GR 49548  /  8:30am registration / includes lunch

$309 if you have your own CSD1 manual / $409 if you’d like a CSD1 manual from Johnstone Supply (2015 & 2018 editions – *limited quantity available at Johnstone to purchase for class, ask for details).

This event is full.

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