May 23, 2024 @ 8:00 am - 12:00 pm - Johnstone Holland
Sequence of operation & troubleshooting AC refresher class, just in time for the AC season and good for beginner technicians as well.
Course Topics
•Electrical Sequence of Operation
•Electrical Testing & Troubleshoooting
•Refrigerant Circuit Operation
•Importance of Superheat/Subcooling
•How to Test Superheat/Subcooling
•Duct System & Airflow Diagnosis
•Best Installation Practices
•This class qualifies for 4 NATE credits / 4 ICP Elite credits – if applicable, must sign-in with info at class
Class Includes: Study materials, class instruction, breakfast refreshments & boxed lunch. 7:30am registration & breakfast. Class 8am-Noon. $85.
Class Location: Johnstone Supply / 2127 112th Avenue / Holland MI 49424
Registration is closed for this event.