Request for Training

Is there a class topic you would like to request? Complete the form below and we will consider adding the class to the lineup. Also, if you have a large enough group, you can request a private training at the location of your choice. We will respond quickly to all inquiries.


    First Name*
    Last Name*
    Company Name*
    Job Title*

    Training Topic*

    Preferred Date Range
    Start Date - End Date

    Preferred Time*
    8AM - 11AM11AM - 2PM2PM - 5PMAfter 5PMNo preference

    Preferred Location*
    MuskegonGrand RapidsHollandKalamazooBenton HarborSouth BendLansingTraverse CityMy Location

    Number of Participants

    Johnstone Supply Muskegon Group

    Johnstone Supply Muskegon Group is a wholesale only supplier to the HVAC, refrigeration and property maintenance industries.