Featured Products
Here are some of the new products Johnstone Supply Muskegon Group carries.
Miller M7RL High Efficiency Furnace
95% Plus Efficiency for Manufactured Homes!
Now a 95% plus efficient mobile home furnace from Miller that fits into existing manufactured homes. The cabinet is exactly the same size as nearly all mobile home furnaces in the field. Vents with 3″ pvc pipe, is ready for up to 4 ton A/C and comes in a 45,000, 60,000 or 72,000 BTUH model. Installs easy and sells even better. These models are in stock and ready for shipment..
For more information, contact Johnstone Supply of West Michigan

Empire Fireplaces
Johnstone Carries A Full Line of Quality Empire Fireplaces
DVD and DVP fireplaces from Empire have arrived. The long anticipated direct vent fireplaces are now in stock and ready for shipment.
All Empire Direct Vent Models: DVD and DVP are heater rated models. Each is equipped with a standing pilot/Piezo and are both rear and top vent accessible (ship as top vent). The DVP features Empire’s exclusive patent-pending Slope Glaze Burner System and realistic logs. The units are remote ready with a variety of optional controls or they can be operated manually.
Custom Designed Fireplace
Empire offers plenty of design options to customize your fireplace:
- Automatic Blowers
- Ceramic Brick Liner
- Fresh Air Plus Kit
- Frames in flat black, black porcelain or polished brass, pewter, stainless steel.
- Remote control accessories

Honeywell Generators

New! Honeywell Generators from Johnstone Supply!
Johnstone is your headquarters for standby and portable generators. The need for generators has never been better and people are buying them at record levels. We have teamed up with Honeywell to offer contractors a fantastic dealership opportunity.
Honeywell generators are available from 600w to 150KW. Common sizes and transfer switches are now in-stock. and Honeywell comes with 5 year warranty, included remote control, aluminum enclosure, base kit and more!
Get on board with Honeywell and Johnstone Supply today. For more information contact anyone at Johnstone Supply! Be sure to ask about the Honeywell advantages!